Alternative school teacher job description
This post includes 3 parts: duties list, job qualification and job description writing tips for Alternative school teacher in details. A com...
This post includes 3 parts: duties list, job qualification and job description writing tips for Alternative school teacher in details. A complete job description concludes Alternative school teacher key duties/responsibilities, Alternative school teacher job qualifications (knowledge, education, skills, abilities, experience…KSA model) and other ones such as daily tasks, key activities, key/core competencies, job functions/purpose…
I. List of Alternative school teacher duties:
- Conducts functional behavioral assessments, records reviews, and clinical behavioral trials in order to develop behavior intervention plans.
- Designs data collection instruments; summarizing and analyzing behavioral data independently and via the assistance of Data Analysts.
- Implements, and monitors students’ behavioral plans, to include directly working with students in school during routine and crisis conditions.
- Collaborates with educational department members (i.e., teachers, Educational Supervisor) in order to devise behavioral goals for IEP, complete relevant parts of progress reports, exit summaries, and transition reports; and participation in IEP meetings.
- For all students on the behavior analyst’s caseload the analyst will consult with the student’s parents, teachers, physicians, LEA, related service providers, and any other relevant professional, as needed to ensure continuity of services and care.
- Conducts initial and ongoing training of the relevant staff in individualized data collection methods and behavior plan implementation for each student.
- Conducts behavioral segments of new hire training, and conduct in-service training on a variety of topics within one’s own scope of training and clinical practice.
- Upholds APTS standards and policies, and to abide by the rules and regulations that APTS or governmental authorities may establish at any time or from time to time.
- Conducts clinical supervision of non-certified behavior specialists who are employed by APTS or volunteering (i.e., as a part of a practicum), and are in the process of becoming board certified.
II. List of Alternative school teacher qualifications
- Master’s Degree in Behavior Analysis, Education, Human Services, or a field related to Behavior Analysis from an accredited college or university preferred.
- Certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst in lieu of completed certification; the employee must be certified eligible to sit for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst exam within 9 months preferred.
- Individual must have a minimum of one year of experience working with individuals with behavioral difficulties who have intellectual disabilities or emotional disabilities. Comprehensive knowledge of applied behavior analysis and modification principles, theories, and techniques.
- Comprehensive knowledge of professional and ethical guidelines, federal and state laws and regulations, and departmental rules governing the practice of behavior analysis and modification, including those outlined by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board
- Comprehensive knowledge of mental illness and/or developmental disabilities and their effect on individual cognitive and behavioral functioning
- Comprehensive knowledge of assessment instruments and measurement techniques, including statistical methods and electronic databases used in analyzing and reporting on behavior issues.
- Comprehensive knowledge of the scientific methods and procedures of understanding, predicting, and influencing human behavior, such as statistics, experimental design, and psychometrics.
- Comprehensive knowledge of individual, family and group dynamics, and behaviors influenced by mental illness and/or developmental disabilities.
- Ability to develop, implement, and coordinate behavior support plans for individuals with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities.
- Ability to assess and interpret behaviors and data, and make effective reports and studies.
- Ability to train facility staff, caregivers, and family members in behavior analysis techniques.
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, clients, their families, and the general public.
III. Tips to write job description
1. Too-long job description:
Looking at a too-long job description can frighten the candidates off and drive the away. A job description, no matter how important the job is, should not be included in more than 3 pages. If one focuses on too many things at a time, he shall definitely lose focus on the main items and get overwhelmed by the remaining; So, keep it concisely.
2. Too-short job description:
While too-long can be a problem, too-short is more a problem. It will ruin the meaning of the job description. A too-short one means it lacks necessary details and therefore, the candidate will not be able to understand while reading it.
3. Listing unnecessary functions or job duties:
Just classifying these into the “others” category will save you a lot of effort and space. On the other hand, the job description will become more dilute and easy to be neglected.
4. Key functions
Not listing key functions as required for the job can be a fatal mistake to a job description.
5. Grammar and spelling
Poor grammar and having spelling errors can ruin the job description, too. Never think that as you are the employer, you may have the right to make grammar or spelling errors while requires other not to. A job description with such errors is easily to be mistaken as a fake or ghost ads; as a result, the candidate will turn away from it.
6. Not specific enough:
Be specific and concise; if you don’t address the specific, then what the job description is for. It is for the candidate to understand just exactly what he needs to do or needs to have. Lacking details can confuse the candidates very well.
7. Not having the job description reviewed by others:
This is also a common mistake. One may be subject to bias, but more than one, especially with the help of those external advisor, the job description can be more perfect.
8. Using buzzwords or abbreviations:
In fact, it is not necessary at all to use such in a job description.
9. Using slang or legal words:
Just use common wording to communicate with others and don’t do anything extraordinarily.
10. Not updating the job description:
The same job may require different duties and responsibilities in different times, so, you cannot use the same job description for 2 different times.